I’m no longer holding back parts of me that are meant to shine

Sheilah Mumbo
2 min readFeb 2, 2022

Let me give you a backstory.

I am a really tiny human for my age and that has made me hide parts of me from the world. Being tiny has always made me feel invisible in almost all parts of my life. This is because growing up in an African home doesn’t accord you with the art of self love and self praise. Hence most of us grow up totally neglecting parts of us that deserve accolades. I can say I was conditioned to hide parts of me that are meant to shine. For instance downplay my intelligence and assume my physical looks.

But not anymore.

I am an intelligent woman, even though I have never acknowledged this for fear of being left out. As a child, I was always isolated based on the fact that I was a fast learner. So I decided to burry that part of me. But, I can’t hide it anymore because I am unique nd talented. I am no longer suppressing that part of me and I’m no longer allowing people to control who I become. I’m taking my power back.

I’m a beautiful and loving woman who needs a love that will bring her satisfaction. We accept mediocre love because we think that’s what we deserve. There were days, I got into relationships with the first sign of affection because I didn’t love myself enough. But I’m no longer accepting half-hearted love or mediocre relationships. I’m no longer allowing people who wouldn’t support me and fully love me. I am no longer settling for people who wouldn’t challenge me to create a better version of me. I am no longer settling for crumbs and pieces of things that don’t fulfil me.

I am taking my power back and closing people who define me out. People who belittle me and downplay my every moves are the worst and I am grateful they are not part of me. I have been chained for so long under people who think they know my life’s path. Well, I’m no longer interested in what they have to say or what they think. I was born to make mistakes and learn and above all live and I am not going to let anyone take that away from me. Not even me.

I’m no longer holding back the parts of me that are meant to shine. I am going to give them the wings to fly and guide me through this journey of life. I am not going to waste any more time clinging to bits of life, because I am going to push myself and live life fully. No one is going to be an obstacle. No one.



Sheilah Mumbo

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