5 Tips For Managing A Busy Schedule.

Sheilah Mumbo
3 min readFeb 15, 2022

Hello, guys. I know I haven’t written an article in days. Well, I have been quite busy these past few days. It’s the first time I’ve been up and down doing something that matters to me (revealing it soon). I’ve learnt a lot, and I thought I should share with you just the few lessons which might help someone to stay organized.

1. Taking it one day at a time

This has been one of the greatest lessons I’ve learnt. I struggle with anxiety, especially when things don’t work out. I get so worried about things out of my control and I can’t start explaining how that affects my productivity. But plus side is I am learning mindfulness and being present in the moment. I am practicing gratitude and celebrating minute milestones. As a result, I’ve been able to tame my anxiety and also improved my productivity.

2. Getting up early

This, my people, is a lifesaver, literally. I used to live off campus and most of my classes started at 7 am. Being in Nairobi, the traffic is damn crazy. So I used to wake up not later than 5 am in order to be ready and also cater for getting to campus. What I’m trying to say is I don’t struggle with waking up early, but I struggle with getting out of bed if I didn’t plan out my day the previous night.

I had to cultivate the habit of scribbling down tasks for the next day and leaving it open on my desk. This way, I condition my mind to wake up early. Another thing that has helped, is setting my alarm in intervals of 15 minutes. So say at 4:45 am and another at 5 am. As a result, my body is awake I sit at my desk. I use the 15 minutes to wake my body either by staring at the ceiling and questioning my life decisions or going back to sleep for the next alarm. *Laughs in tears

4. Mandatory breaks

I’m not talking about a 20 minute breaks, no, I’m talking about taking a whole day off and doing things you enjoy. Mondays are very slow for me and those are my days off. This helps rewire my brain and rejuvenates my mind. Like those days off, there’s no work activity at all. It’s just me being the laziest version I can ever be. It works wonders because now, the following day, I’m ready to work like crazy. Funny, today is Tuesday.

In order to make this work, I plan out my work for the entire week, starting Tuesday, of course. I ensure all work is catered for to create room for a day off that is not a weekend. I usually do more extra work each day to get a free day. I work from home and I’m self-employed, so it is much easier. Key point is find what works for you and stick with it.

5. Time management is key

If you can manage your time well, it can ease up the pressure. What I do is ensure I have my day planned out the previous night to prepare my mind. So I know which task comes before which. This way, I can visualize the amount of tasks I have and then be able to allocate time. It also helps with getting up early. With time management, prioritization is the most important thing as it helps a lot with productivity. I came up with a schedule that accommodates all my activities. I know what I do well in the mornings and afternoons. Evenings are usually off work and just chilling.

I hope you find these tips helpful and relatable. Let me know in the comments.



Sheilah Mumbo

Welcome to my ocean of thoughts. Just random articles