4 things I am doing to combat Impostor Syndrome

Sheilah Mumbo
3 min readJan 31, 2022
Photo by Ajay Karpur on Unsplash

Five months ago, I graduated top of my class with my Bachelor’s degree. I remember feeling like I didn’t deserve it the moment I saw the graduation list. I still do, which is why I haven’t applied picked my certificate, let alone apply to any job, internship or scholarships yet. This is because I feel like everyone is going to discover that I am a fraud, and I don’t actually deserve my accomplishments.

I have always doubted my ability to do things, even with this article, I doubt it is good enough to be published. I feel like an impostor most of the times which has made me act like one. Sadly, this impostor syndrome is not black and white. It’s a feeling that hits me in certain moments: when I sit down to write, when I am working on my business, when I am about to apply for an internship, when I have achieved a goal I set for myself, etc. It is picking at me and slowing my progress.

As Tony Robbins says, “the story you tell is the life you live.”

I want to tell a different story and to give myself the wings to live it. The story doesn’t involve impostor syndrome. So, three weeks ago, I made a promise to myself to overcome this insecurity by doing the following;

  1. Stop comparing myself to others. In the end, we are all different, only that I didn’t realize this sooner. But now, I am concentrating on my path and focusing on my own strengths because they are uniquely mine. By doing this, I slowly understand that my accomplishments are personal and I did my best in every situation. That it was all me and will still be me.
  2. Unpack my feelings, especially with a close person who is my partner. This has been the best thing. It has helped me a great deal because my partner is always there to remind me of my capabilities. To remind me, I deserve every success in life and my thoughts are just irrational. Talking is a really great way to remind me who I am and what I am after in life.
  3. I am acknowledging my thoughts and putting them into perspective. This way, I can reframe my thoughts whenever I feel them deflecting. This has helped me gain a deeper understanding of my thought process and my major triggers. As a result, I give myself a weapon to neutralize impostor syndrome thoughts from inception. Hence, I am learning to manage the thoughts more maturely and remind myself not to go down that road.
  4. Regular journaling to tap into my inner self. The practice of journaling is a great way to understand why we are the way we are, how we think, and who we really are. It is a way to open an avenue to communicate better to ourselves because we gain an understanding of who we are. I started taking a few online prompts to help me through this insecurity and I am seeing positive results already.

While this insecurity eats us from inside, it is great to know that we can overcome it. It is even better to know that I am on a journey to free myself from its shackles.

Have you ever experienced impostor syndrome and how are you combating it?

